Sunday, February 1, 2009

melting records...

So last night I was at my friend's cousin's house and his place is nearly floor to ceiling vinyl- it's nuts. He's got a nice setup and a fresh mix of tunes at anytime, but he was talking about all these extra records or ones that are really scratched that he didn't know what to do with. I don't remember how it came up, but we googled instructions on making dishes or bowls out of melted records. We promptly spent the next hour or two experimenting with different bowls and molds and slight variations in oven temperatures. It was really fun! He said I could take one home, and I was thrilled to see that one of the prettier ones was also the Mary Poppins Soundtrack! Here's another shot of the bowl:

And I thought this was a funny quote:

In case you can't quite read it: "I didn't lie, I was writing fiction with my mouth"

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