Sunday, July 20, 2008

Put that knitting down, and get back to work katie!

I started a new knitting project yesterday, something i haven't done since i started school. I got a little ahead last week, so i have a little less work to do this weekend. (notice i said a "little" less) I taught Adam how to knit, and we are both working on making his niece a wool soaker (diaper cover for cloth diapers). It's turning out really well, in fact i'm nearly done with mine (Adam is a little bit slower- he's still learning and doing really well!). But i had to force myself to put it down for the evening, so i could get some studying done. I will say for the record, though, i was a very good girl, and stayed home tonight while some friends went out for a beer. I have to finish most of my studying for tuesday's pre-test because i have a meeting with financial aid at 3pm tomorrow. (gotta love livin off loans) Speaking of studying, i need to get back to that, my brief study break turned into an hour of goofing off on the internet.

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