Friday, September 19, 2008

Rockstar, how i love you so...

Yes, i know that there must be crack in those drinks, but darnit if it didn't completely turn my world back right side up. For two days i was a huge giant, weepy stressball. I felt like i had more work and tests than i could possibly complete (let alone do well on), and that didn't even include actually preparing for lectures or doing reading assignments. Two of my major assignments were both due today, and they both seemed like a complete waste of time.(or at least just busy work) Furthermore, one of my professors insisted that we hand in our papers (ready for this- on paper) and before eight o'clock this morning. It's bad enough we couldn't email the stinking three page papers (she didn't want to wear our her printer- she, being the one who has a job and an income)- mind you there are only eight of us in her clinical group. We have class on Friday mornings at nine am, and we tried to compromise to see if we could turn it in by nine, when we will already be in the building for class. But no, she wanted to be able to grade them that morning, and she might want to start at 7:30. So i took the early bus so i could get to school in time, and was she in her office- no. of course not. how obnoxious. so then i tried to get something productive done in the forty five minutes i had to kill before class.

But back to the rockstar being the nectar of the gods- even my prof's tardiness didn't really put me in a bad mood. For two days (not completely coincidental that my misery started with my B on a patho test wednesday morning) i was a complete emotional wreck. I felt completely incapable and stupid, and yes i am very well aware that this was irrational- but i was a sad little weepy mess. Poor Adam for having to deal with me and try to make me see the ludicrosity of my absent self-worth. (yes it's a word- look it up- well it is in the urban dictionary- does that count?) Anyways, halfway into my 16 oz can of sugar free Rockstar, i was well on my way to being eloquent and productive on both my paper and assignment. I have been in a much better mood all day. I even skipped a graduate student happy hour to finish a giant chapter in my Med/Surg text for the test on wednesday (yes, we do have an exam every frickin wednesday morning).

Well, I'm going to get some laundry together (Adam and I are heading down to San Antonio to housesit for his parents (and their lovely washer/dryer). It's going to be a wonderful weekend filled with family and good friends (and probably a good deal of studying, too, if i know what's good for me). Next week will be pretty challenging- probably worse than this week. Monday and Tuesday are our first full days of clinical rotations. They start at 6:30 in the morning and last until nearly 3pm. (and Tuesday i have to drive 30 minutes north to Round Rock) So needless to say, i'm going to try to get a head start on studying for the next patho test, and maybe crack one of my other books, too.

1 comment:

Aaron said...

I love their washer and dryer too! I wish I could use it. Though I guess I'd rather they visit. I guess...

Rockstar and its cousins in the beverage world scare me. But I am glad they helped you get through the week.